Colourful Florist Choice Bouquet


Discover the enchanting beauty of our Colourful Florist Choice Bouquet, a harmonious blend of the season’s finest colourful blooms, hand-selected by our expert florists.


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Select Add-ons (eg. Chocolate, Candles)

You must be 18+ if you wish to add a drink!

Delivery Terms

  •  Delivery time cannot be requested for deliveries (eg. I need it delivered before dinner on Feb 14) 
  •  Delivery to remote/regional areas might take longer and it might get delivered the next-day.  
  • Refund cannot be requested if the address was incorrect/incomplete or the time of the delivery was not as desired. 
  • We only charge a flat rate of $9 or $12 for same-day and next day which is for operational costs, the rest of the dates are considered FREE of charge. 
  •  Express Next-day nationwide, Same-day Melbourne: Order by 1:30pm. Delivery between 9am-6:30pm
  •  Sun & Sat Deliveries Only in Melbourne.


Flowers are natural products, and their availability can vary with seasons, leading to potential substitutions. While our website photos are professionally taken to showcase the designs in the best light, the arrangement you receive may not look exactly the same. We always ensure that any substitutions preserve the style and color scheme of your chosen bouquet, delivering a fresh, beautiful floral arrangement every time.

Options Price$0.00
Product Price$90.00
SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

Additional information


Lavish – XL, Lush – Small, Mysterious – XXL, Premium -Large, Small, Standard – Medium

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Victoria K.
Much better that expected

What a beautiful arrangement, when I picked it up from the store I was so happy and my wife is super excited about it too.