

A great mix of pink and red roses arranged elegantly by expert designers.


The arrangement is hand-tied with care and wrapped in soft pink/red ribbon when ordered as an arrangement, and beautifully wrapped in a letterbox using premium papers and wet wraps when ordered in a letterbox giving it a delicate and sophisticated look. The bouquet is designed to look natural, and the hypericums and roses are placed next to each other in a subtle and harmonious way, creating a stunning visual display of love. The vase arrangement will look similar to what is pictured.

The size of the bouquet is perfect for a dinner table centerpiece or a bedside table decoration. Love’s Embrace brings a romantic atmosphere, creating a warm and inviting ambiance in any room.

The Adore arrangement is made with fresh, premium quality flowers, ensuring that they will last for several days and allowing your loved one to enjoy their beauty for a longer time. The red roses are the perfect symbol of love and passion and the dark pink hypericums represent understanding and a connection between two people. This bouquet is a great way to show your affection and love for your special someone.

This product is available for same-day delivery around Melbourne. Our 5-star  courier delivers it with comfort and safety.  Money back is guaranteed if something is wrong with your arrangement (on the day of delivery).

melbourne suburbs map - flower delivery
  1. High-Quality Flowers: We only use the freshest, premium-quality flowers in our arrangements, ensuring that they will last for several days and that the customer’s loved ones can enjoy their beauty for a longer time.
  2. Customized Arrangements: Our florists are experts at creating customized arrangements that suit the customer’s taste, style, and budget.
  3. Professional Service: Our team provides professional, friendly, and personalized service, making sure that customers are completely satisfied with their purchases.
  4. Wide Selection: We offer a wide selection of flowers, including traditional favorites like roses, lilies, and carnations, as well as more unique and exotic options like orchids, sunflowers, and tropical flowers.
  5. Delivery Services: We offer fast and reliable delivery services, ensuring that the flowers will arrive on time, and in perfect condition.
  6. Affordable Prices: We offer competitive prices and discounts, and we have options to meet different budgets and preferences.
  7. Gift options: We offer different kinds of gifts and add-ons to go with the flowers, such as chocolates, teddy bears, balloons, and cards.
  8. Online order: We offer an easy-to-use website for ordering and delivery services, that allow customers to order from the comfort of their own homes.
  9. Customer Satisfaction: Our top priority is customer satisfaction and we go above and beyond to make sure that every customer has a positive and memorable experience with our flower shop.
  10. Experienced florists: Our florists are experienced and trained, and they can give tips and advice on how to take care of and make the most of the flowers and bouquets.
money back guarantee on flowers
positive review for flower club

Additional information


Letterbox (Popular), Wrapped, Glass Vase

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Anne rizzica

Lovely roses delivered to my daughter yesterday within very short time of ordering many thanks xxx

Botha john

We ordered online and it was delivered on the same day so we were excited it made it safe and in time. Would and will definitely recommend.